I find myself lately, wondering why we don’t support each other more.  I think it has more to do with entering the 50’s and what that means to me.   I recently lost my father to a 10 year battle against Cancer, Stroke, Shingles and about 8 other ailments.   Believe me during that time we had some deep discussions about life.   This leads me to a visit from a friend “over wine”  of course.  I was feeling down because I felt I had no value now at 50 and no skills that would serve me in the business world.   She watched me put together dinner and commented.  “Look what you are doing.   You obviously love it and effortlessly are making 4 different dishes for your family to enjoy .   I could never do that,” she said.   “I don’t even know where to start”.   Let me tell you that is all the motivation and support I needed.   Just to be validated by another mom.    

This brings me to the next week when I ran into another woman working retail to support herself because she found herself on her own now with 3 children.     I commented on how amazing she was at her job and she responded by saying , “really  anyone could do this.”  ” I couldn’t .”   I told her .    I have no idea how to just put clothes together or what is current or who the brand names are , much less pronounce them.   She found it funny because she said you always look stylish.  I told her it was because I looked at her and the clothes she wore and surrounded herself with.    

We had such a nice conversation.   We both even teared up a little.   There is value in all that we do.   No one can predict where they will end up in life.   My father always told me ,  it is what you do with what you have that makes your worth.   Among other things, he used to say , “throw enough shit at the wall and something will stick.”   And, “What will you look back at in this world and wish you had not done.”   Probably taking time to raise your children is not on that list.   Ladies, keep this in mind when you think of your value and worth.   This is to those who have challenging careers as well.   Value what you provide to your children and the sacrifices you make.  You are worth it.          

That is all.   Now enjoy some wine and smile girl.  You are worth it.






  1. Cindy Pasquesi

    I love your inspirational words. Many times we don’t think that our small, everyday accomplishments are worth much. We think what we “do” has to rock the world. But in reality it is so important to the ones we take care of and love. I want my kids to look back fondly on their childhood memories and be proud of their mom.
    You go Yvonne!!

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