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Every now and then , you meet women who make you reflect on what you thought was important. I have recently known 3 women (two of which are not even 40) who have been diagnosed stage 3 and 4 breast cancer. I am in awe of the power with which they forge ahead , looking at this only as a temporary obstacle to create self awareness and reflection. Cancer has touched so many of us in so many different ways. I am continually reminded of the power of positive thoughts, body awareness and fueling our bodies from the inside out. I am a strong believer in Integrated medicine and find myself delving deeper and deeper into the study of nutrition and how it can heal. I have practiced nutritional strategies for many years and can say that I feel better now at 54 than I ever did. When we are given a diagnosis that knocks us out of our daily routine, we can choose to forge ahead and challenge ourselves or accept defeat. The many women who have had to delve deep to find those boot straps have inspired me in ways they will never know.
I would like to acknowledge a powerful statement from one of these women. ” It is like looking at embroidery from the backside. Colors everywhere knots and things making no connective sense. Then you turn it over and can see the beautiful ways in which each piece contributes to the whole to make a beautiful work of art.” We are all part of a whole of a bigger plan. How we choose to live and accept our part is true character.
You too are an inspiration!!
Thank you Lydia. We all need to support each other in a world so easy to get lost in. “Go not where the path is , go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!” Emerson