The basic components of this diet are: low intake of carbs, moderate protein and high intake of healthy fats. The decrease of carbs require the body to use fat as the main energy source. This way of eating has been proven for rapid weight loss and the added health benefit of lowered blood sugar levels which is beneficial to those with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
There is no calorie counting with the elimination of almost all carbohydrates. Sadly, the high intake of fat can lead to increased LDL cholesterol, which is linked to heart disease. Also, the reduction of fiber from those food sources can lead to constipation.
The key components of this diet are: Eating like our ancestors. This would mean eating foods that are readily available from the earth. Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and oils, spices, nuts and seeds. Avoiding dairy and grains and of course processed foods. This is basically, low carb, high-protein, and high-fat. Protein levels of this diet are much higher than that of the keto.
The advantages of this diet include weight-loss and reduction of waist circumference as well as decrease in blood pressure. Remember that significant increases in dietary fat can lead directly to a raise in LDL cholesterol. This is a clean-eating diet which eliminates processed foods with additives or chemicals leading to an anti-inflammatory environment for the body.
Inflammation is linked to the causes of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, which are the two diseases with the highest cause of death in the world. Thus, an anti-inflammatory diet can lower the risk for any of these diseases.
So which one is right for you?
Remember your goals. Many types of diets are helpful to see significant changes in shorter periods of time. However, the idea of maintaining a diet that could increase your chances of disease does not seem like a good long term choice.
A few things to remember. When you choose to eliminate processed foods, you automatically reduce your empty-calorie intake. When you make conscious efforts to include fruits and vegetables spanning the rainbow of colors , you leave less room for unhealthy choices. Your lifestyle goal should include getting to a point where good nutritional choices lead to making counting calories a thing of the past, which leads you back to enjoying making meals that feed your body and brain and nourish your soul.