- All cancers are the result of damage or genetic mutations in our DNA. The reasons individual cancer cases pop up in people are complex: Some are genetic and passed down from one generation to the next, and others are a result of things in our environment that we inhale, eat, or use.
Here are some known carcinogens ( cancer causers ). Sugar, Processed foods, smoking, unprotected sun exposure, toxic chemicals, charred meat on an open flame (can change DNA and increase your risk ), salt-cured meat or fish (high in nitrates and nitrites, pickled foods and processed meats. Glyphosate (one of the most common weed -killers) is linked to higher rates of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in farmers and gardeners. You may remember the Monsanto law suits. Also listed, obesity, formaldehyde and some plastics
Source: What causes cancer? Food, products that increase your cancer risk – Business Insider