- Canola
- Corn
- Olive
- Peanut
- Safflower
- Soybean
- Sunflower
Now let’s break them down into which ones we should use when.
What is Vegetable oil? Well, usually , it is a combination of these oils and used for sprays. Sprays are good choices to minimize the use of oil when cooking. You can also substitute broth with herbs to replace oily dishes.
Specialty oils like avocado grape seed, rice bran, and sesame can be expensive but good choices. Try to choose oils with less than 4 grams of saturated fat per Tbs. Partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats are those that you should steer clear of.
Oils start to degrade when they have reached their smoke point. Be sure to understand at which point that is so as not to contaminate your food. Store your oils in dark cook places.
Remember. Even though some oils are better for us. They are super high in calories and should be used in moderation.
A quick breakdown goes like this:
EVOO has a low smoke point 375. Not best for frying. Pure Olive Oil can reach 465 yet is not as flavorful and is not as healthy as EVOO (use this guy for heavy duty high heat) AVOCADO OIL (375-400) good for frying and packed with monounsaturated fats (not chemically processed) VEGETABLE OIL , like CANOLA is best for roasting and frying up to 450. Due to this it has chemical processing which depletes it of its natural mineral content ( not best for salad dressings)
This brings us to Safflower oil can be heated to 510 degrees. This oil is low in saturated fats and high in omega -9’s . It is chemically processed and cold-pressed.
PEANUT OIL is best used when you want that flavor . Best for stir-frys or peanut butter cookies. This oil can be heated up to 450 degrees and is low in saturated fat yet chemically processed. SESAME OIL is highly flavorful, a little goes a long way. This is a great alternative to peanut oil if you don’t also have a sesame allergy. Can tolerate heat to 410. Bonus is that there is no chemical processing.
FLAXSEED OIL is best used for dressings and dips. Heat will not be tolerated. There are many benefits to flax including full of omega-3. Good if you don’t consume much fish.
COCONUT OIL : last but not least and used so many ways in beaut products. Very high in saturated fats like the other solid room temperature oils. This is better than butter since it can raise both HDL and LDL. This product works well with vegan baking to give it that nice rich flavor. Information was originally shared at http://www.shawsimpleswaps.com/ . Check it out for some other sound advice and beautiful recipes