YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! You have probably heard this before. How about , “what’s eating you”, or “what does your microbiome want to eat”? These raise the question, does our gut know how to breakdown the chemicals and additives in our food? Well, the answer becomes easy when you read the list of facts … [Read more…]

THE FAB 5 ! What are the nutrients your kids need the most that their diets are lacking? Well, the list of nutrients our foods supply is vast. However, the amount of processed foods that make it into our children daily routine has left less room for those filling foods that provide for their daily … [Read more…]

GREEN JUICES : Exactly as it says ( juices ) . Most of these “green” juices contain more sugar laden apples juice than anything else. Check the sugar content. Remember without the sugar some of these can taste like pureed kale. A much tastier option would be sautéed spinach, kale salad or sliced … [Read more…]
Confusion about to hit honey, maple syrup, and other sweetener labels – Nutrition Action
As if it isn’t already hard to read a label. Brace yourself: Confusion about to hit honey, maple syrup, and other sweetener labels Blame the food industry. The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday announced that Nutrition Facts labels on honey, maple syrup, table sugar, and other “single-ingredient” sweeteners will soon look like this: … [Read more…]
What causes cancer? Food, products that increase your cancer risk – Business Insider
All cancers are the result of damage or genetic mutations in our DNA. The reasons individual cancer cases pop up in people are complex: Some are genetic and passed down from one generation to the next, and others are a result of things in our environment that we inhale, eat, or use. Here are … [Read more…]
How Nutrients Affect Mood and Behavior

Eating for Mental Health A Balanced Diet Simply put, a balanced diet is one that includes all the things our bodies need to function: water, carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Where you get those things from, and their ratios, matter significantly. Too much of one and not enough of another throws your body … [Read more…]